Weekend in Review:T'was a grand weekend of sorts...
Friday:Left the ship early and hit up the L-park. Super good sesh... don't know why really... but it was. Skated for almost 3 hours. Got tech but mostly rocked the ramp steeze... I love skating ramps.... I'm such an old man. I've been bumping old school bay area hip hop lately... always makes for good skate sesh motivation.... Repin for tha whole yay area! haha dude what? but seriously, Rap music makes me want to bust crooked grinds like they are going out of style! I only landed a few but when I did, I totally landed them with super gangsta steeze. yes!
After that I cruzed home and made sandos for dinner. I am officially a salami sando addict. I may need to sign up for a 12 step program. I drank a lot of PBR in cans that were kept extra cold by my super dope purple and orange water skier Koozie. Rad. Watched a bunch of MTV videos... they had some sweet old school rock vidios on... Bad Company, Anthrax, Quiet Riot, etc etc... good stuff.. Played Midnight club for a while... pimped out my rides... and then went to bed. I wonder if I should try to play on line... hmm...
Saturday:Woke up early and played Midnight Club for a bit... finally compleated 100% on the game... haha total nerd... then cruzed out to skate with Stew-rat at Greer. It was fun. Greer is rad. Good times always. Then took my Gma shopping. Not rad. haha but it was ok I guess. It is hard to be around someone who is so negative and grumpy. *sigh* After that I rocked the L-park for a few runs and then went home. Ate more Salami Sando's and drank more PBR's From my Water Skier Koozie. Raced some of my dope rides and then went to bed... totally not a rock star... but I do have like $200,000 to spend on more dope rides....
Sunday:Woke up early and got my nice clothes ready for an engagement shower. "rad". not. Played some Midnight club, pimped a ride, cut my hair, showered, wraped my gift, and then rolled to South San Jose for the engagement shower. It was really nice. I didnt' feel like going but I'm glad I did. After that I tried to skate the L-park but there were a billion people there so it kinna sucked. I did manage to rock a few hesher steeze tail slides so that was good. Got the call that Ruth was back so went to her house and helped her cook up a pasta sauce for dinner at her parents. Went to dinner at her parents. Super good. Super fun. Always a good time. Chilled outside till night fall... it is nice to have some good weather. True!
That's about it... not really the dopest of weekends but still a good one! Had a lot of fun skateboarding... so that is always good... word!
If the boat ain't sinkin, keep on drinkin!
--Cap'n Savahoe S.S. Gangstarapiscool