June 22, 2005

yar! The Seas have been busy! Feels like I'm on an Alaskan Crab fishing tour... except their aren't any huge waves and I don't find myself thinking that at any moment "I might die". I also don't have to deal with any high winds or crabs with pinchers. And I also don't have to work for like 48 hours in a row hauling in huge metal cages. And I guess I don't really have to worry about Ice forming on my boat and having it capsize... and I also don't have to worry about falling out of my desk into Ice cold watters and drowning.... So... um... yeah.... I guess what I'm feeling isn't really anything like being on an Alaskan Crab fishing boat... and I guess that's good. Anyway, work is busy, my foot still hurts, and I've been playing way too many video games. I hope Detroit wins the finals again. Even though I like San Antonio. What I really hope is that next year at this time I have to spend all of my money on airfare and beer so that I can go watch the Dubs play in game 7 of the finals. Yes!

ok bye!
--El Capitan Workinhard S.S. Fothamoney

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