August 09, 2002

I don't know if I have ever felt more like not workin in my entire life. Bored, tired, full, bored... there are so many things I would rather be doing today. erf... why did I sail up this cove anyways.... erf.. did the wind change? argh... all I know is if there one thing that I would rather not be doing today, it is this = work. I think I have senioritus... or what would that be called in my situation... laidoffitus? The empending doom that I can do nothing to prevent has really taken a lot of my will to put forth quality effort. I am a sucky employee... I usually take pride in my work, even if it is shitty work... I always work hard... now... I hardly work at all... erf... get in gear Capn' raise them sails and get this boat moving....
--Capn' Lazy S.S. Ass

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