April 25, 2002

Some more words of wisdom:
1) You'd be much cooler if you walked around with a big block of ice on your head.
2) People who punch you in the face are not your friends.
3) Two wrongs don't make a right, but three lefts do.
4) A penny saved is pretty much worthless. (Yar ain't that the truth! what the hell can a pirate do witha penny! YAR!)
5) Haste makes waste and sand makes glass. (there is deep knowledge in there somewhere)
6) Put your best foot forward. If both of your feet are similar, it doesn't really matter

Yar think on that, and be boggled! Blog-gled? dar... I should quit while I am ahead....yar...
-Meldun the all-knowing First Mate, S.S. Plank-that-stays-afloat

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