May 26, 2005

I watched Blade last night on TNT.... that movie is so bad ass. Blade kills like a million vamps in that movie! rad! Blade is seriously an awesome movie. I made a sandwich and a hot pocket for dinner and drank 3 PBR's. Am I healthy or what. Speaking of healthy, I walk up 11 flights of stairs twice a day now at work. I also skated the Lawrance park again and landed a few more crooked grinds. yes! Crooked grinds and skateboarding are good for your health. Skateboarding is fun. I miss having a crew though. Skating by yourself kinna sucks. True.

Keepin' it Real for the SRC/FTP/SAC/RAC/Sabado/Sueno/MVC Crews in the oh-5...
--El Capitan

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