April 06, 2003

It's f'n 9:15 almost and I am at work in F'n Mt. View right now... what the F am I doing here... oh yea... I spent all day playing video games when I should have been enjoying the day, skateboarding, riding my bike, and working. F. F...f...f.f..f.f.f..f.f. this is what I get for being a video game crack addict. The sad thing is when I go home I will probably go play some more.... f.... f... f.... I think I need a 12 step program. I need to go skate after work tomorrow.... f... if I don't have to come back to this bloody slave ship again..... arrrr... f' this mess...
--Capn' Ima S.S. Jackassfornotdoingallthisearlier

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