January 28, 2002


I spent an hour postin' some notes about me travels and battles... alas... the scurvey bastards didn't post for some reason... Someone is gonna walk tha plank... food for tha fishes for sheer! ARRR! arrrr!!! ARRRR that makes me mad as a scurvey havin lubbar in a meat market! AAAarrrr! If I had a gun I would have shot someone in the foot and told them to dance like a maiden! Scurvey bastards!

well let me see... I got old last week... dar... turned tha quarter century... arrr... my bones are hurtin fer sure... twas a good day all in all... got some stuff for me camera and some other stuff that I won't waste any time describin' (books and the likes) Went to some good eatin establishment run by the Cook Chew... err Chue? Cheu? Whatever it be, the food was good and the drinks were plenty.... The waiter keept asking us if we wanted another "budwhie".... it was pretty darn funny if you ask me..... coundn't understand a word that landlubber said... twas quite a hoot.... Later we went to a show of musical lads.... well... they were good at what they did that is for sure... but if they were on my ship, I would have made them walk the plank.... dar... lucky for them I am not like most! After the show, me and a few of my finest friends went to the ole waterin hole! Arrr the Nut House... there is no place like home... just walkin through the door and hearin' the Pixies on the ole box of jukes was like dien' and goin to heaven.... twas sweet sweet sound.... Must say I drank my fair share of spirits that night... twas a bit groggy the next morning to say the least....that southern drink can sure sneak up on ya! Lucky for me, the south did not rise again! arrrr that would have been fatal.... So I made it through another birthday without sailin the stormy seas on the ole' great white ship....

more later ya one eye'd dogs! got more pilligin' ta do right now!

-Capt Devil Eyes S.S. Southerncross

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