September 15, 2004

Went to the Floggin Molly show last night with JB, Amanda, Mike, and Geoff. Good times as usual! FLoggin is great, soooo much energy, such great musicians... it was an awesome show... We had great seats too, which is always a plus! Part of me wanted to be down in the mix, jumping around and moshing about to the music... but having seats and not having to worry about some huge ape taking me down was kinna nice. It was an amazing show and a lots of fun! Floggin is still one of the best live bands I have ever seen.

On the way out some silly girl told me to, and I quote "watch myself" because her friends were acting like idiots at the parking garage and I was looking at them funny... too funny... High school kids are dumb sometimes... haha it was rad, she was so serious.... haha

On the car ride home we ripped on Apple products for the entire trip back to the house. PC's are way better then Apple computers. Mike is super funny.

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