September 07, 2004

Wednesday night Chaos:

On Wednesday we (my friends and I) celebrated Geoff and Mike's B-day down at the good ole Dutch Goose in Menlo Park. It was really fun. It got really crazy. It was rad..... I made all the guys funny shirts with Geoff and Mike's heads super imposed on wacky pictures (example Geoff's head on Tom Cruz's body from a Top Gun promo picture)anyway... it was rad and everyone looked really funny with the shirts on. I had a lot of fun making them. The Goose is rad, I don't know why we don't go there more often. I always seem to have a great time there. They have good beer and an awesome jukebox that searches the web for songs that you want to hear... or something... I dunno how it works really.... but what I do know is that we were able to play a lot of really really really really rockin great songs on that thing. Totally Rad. We drank something like 12-14 pitchers of Fat Tire between about 6 of us.... Needless to say we were all really really really drunk by the end of the night. Boat races, Anchorman, Midnight, and other drinking games were in full effect. As were the roll off challenges where the looser had a bottle of bud poured over their head. I lost twice. It was fun. The night ended with Mike and I pounding a pitcher between the two of us.... I love those guys. Good stuff. Happy late B-day to Mike P, and happy B-day to Geoff. Good times forever and always.

--El Drunkosaurus Rex

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