March 30, 2004

I had class last night. Photoshop is cool. I'm frustrated with my photo project right now... but for the most part I am really enjoying my digital photo class a lot. After class I didn't do anything worth talking about... unless you consider playing video games, drinking beer, and eating brownies something worth talking about.... I went to bed early and read a little. I am finally starting to enjoy reading again... College killed reading for me for sooooooo long.... It's kinna nice to read for my own enjoyment again. I need to skate more, I had dreams about it last night..... It's time to step it up a notch again and relearn some of my old skills. I listened to Snoop Dog on the way to work today. That was fun. That's about all for now.
--El Blogosaurus Rexis- Flexis- from- Long- Beach- to- Texas

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