January 30, 2003

I am really feeling yesterdays quote for some reason... maybe it is because my job is kinna lame, I am not taking any classes, and girls have fled from my life like bats out of hell... I dunno... maybe I feel like my road has been kinna hard lately... but then....not really hard exactly, because things are kinna going pretty well right now..... Maybe it is more like I feel as though the last couple of years have been trying, testing my strengths and weaknesses, and challenging me to my limit.... etc..... Maybe it is that now I feel that these trials are ending and that soon I will be getting near that "easy street" or something... Yea, I guess what I am feeling is that the good road is right around the corner or something... things have been looking up lately for no real reason... I mean, I am not in love, and work is grim... shoot, I may not even have a job tomorrow for all I know... but things feel like they are on the up and up.... I dunno... Maybe it is just because the Warriors are doing so well and the Lakers suck... haha Whatever it is, I am glad it is causing me to feel so good. Word up, it's good to be on the good foot.
--Tha Capitan, Slayin' tha Seven Seas

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