June 23, 2002

One word can sum up my weekend: Skateboarding.... lots and lots and lots and lots of skateboarding.... and that is about it... Skated all day saturday.... skated all day sunday..... bought new skate shoes... bought a new plank... bought a new skate video.... skated this... skated that...... skate skate skate...fall... skate skate skate skate..... etc..... oh and I ate some food here and there too.... and drank a ton of gatorade... like, around eight or nine 32 oz.'ers or something... my legs hurt... my arms hurt... my shins hurt... my feet hurt... my wrist hurts, actually scratch that, both wrists hurt... my neck hurts.... my back hurts... my knees hurt..... my hips hurt... shit, even my toes and fingers hurt.... But I be damned if I don't feel great and have a huge smile on my face right now, a smile the size of tha grand canyon, a smile as wide as the ocean.... haha a really freakin big freakin smile.... : ) "Live to skate... skate to live...." I realized the meaning to that phrase this weekend... it was rad. Skate and destroy! yar, tis the only way to live...haha
--Capn' Skataholic S.S. Heshin'session

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