May 03, 2002

yar! oh yea... the whole reason fer me post about the ole club de cacti was that the drummer from sixseven is a maiden, and not only is she a maiden, but a maided who has some serious chops, but the real crazy thing was that she also plays like me, which is very rare.... (Me playing style is a bit strange... it is called "south paw" this is where you play your high-hat with your left hand insted of yer right...not many drummers play like this...) yar it was crazy to see.... I was super stoked! Yar, anyways, it will be kinna cool if we end up sharing a studio together.... having similar styles... that twill be a fine thing... so yar... I dunno, I was just a bit excited about that.... such a rare thing to see a drummer who has the same wild style... and then to potentially be sharin the same studio.... I just think to me self... what are the odds? maybe I should play the ole lotto today...yar... maybe not.... anyway enough talk of that...

yar... is it the weekend yet??? aaaarrrrr... looks like I will be stuck once again on the ole slave ship this saturday... yar... oh whelllll a nother dollar or two for the ole bank... yar...
--Capn South Paw S.S. Drummachine

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