January 23, 2004

It's been a long time... where have I been... what have I been up to... man... too much to tell... I will highlight...

Weekends have been pretty much the same... skateboarding on saturdays... playing hoops on sundays... and just having a lot of fun....

I met a girl. She is rad. I met her on New Years. We've gone out like 4 times now.... every time we go out I'm more impressed with her. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

I went to Spokane and visited my Dad. I wish he lived closer.

I got hired on as a perm at my work. yea for me. My first real job ever... can you believe that I've been a temp for my whole entire life... shit... that kinna sucks... so anyway it was a long time coming.... like I said before, it was a long time coming.

that's all for now... I'll keep you posted as my life continues to change...or stay the same depending on how you look at it...

--The Blogosaurus